Tony Foster, From Mather Pass to Pinchot Pass, 1986 | Watercolor and graphite on paper, mixed media | 22 x 46 1/2 in. | 1986.1.17
Tony Foster Journey 3 | 1986–87 | 39 artworks
John Muir’s High Sierra: A Watercolour Diary
Painting locations: Sierra Nevada, California
Continuing his work in America, Tony Foster followed in the footsteps of nineteenth-century naturalist and conservationist John Muir. For his Journey John Muir’s High Sierra, Foster hiked the Sierra Nevada throughout the Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks. Moved by the region’s natural beauty, Muir realized that without intervention such wilderness would be lost. Foster’s Journey pays homage to Muir’s legacy and to the US National Park Service, whose creation owes much to the naturalist. Foster’s paintings brilliantly capture the granite boulders, giant evergreens, and placid lakes of this unique environment. In addition, John Muir’s High Sierra helped reignite interest in Muir in Scotland, his place of origin, tying both continents together through the man’s legacy.
Painting locations
United States
Forester Pass, Sierra Nevada, California
Pinchot Pass, Sierra Nevada, California
Pyramid Mountain, Sierra Nevada, California
Mammoth Mountain, Sierra Nevada, California
South Lake Bishop Pass, Sierra Nevada, California
Yosemite, Sierra Nevada, California
Whitney Portal, Sierra Nevada, California
Past Exhibitions
City of Edinburgh Art Centre Scotland
Ecology Centre, London
Museum of Art, Olin Center, Lewiston, Maine
California Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, California
Francesca Anderson Gallery, Boston, Maine
National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC
Other Past Journeys
Click on any Journey thumbnail for more information.